Four Tips to Spruce Up Your Home Before Selling
Spring is officially here and you know what that means: It’s time to do some spring cleaning! Whether you constantly clean your house or only really tidy things up before potential buyers arrive, knowing a few quick and easy tricks can make the process a whole lot easier.
Once you’ve vacuumed the floor, all you need is a bucket of water, some light detergent and a rag. Then start scrubbing! Make sure to frequently clean the rag and water to make sure you aren’t just pushing more dirt around on the floor.
If you really want to get the tough spots out, try using a toothbrush! Seriously, it will change your life.
If it’s been a while, use a broom or dry rag to sweep off the dust, and then vacuum the area. Use a wet cloth or sock to remove any remaining dust or dirt.
To clean the baseboards, all you need is a sponge (or soft toothbrush) and a bucket of water with a small amount of dish detergent. Once you’ve done the washing part, then use a damp rag to remove any leftover soap residue.
If you haven’t checked in a while, your air vents are probably pretty dirty and dusty. Not only does that send dust into the room, but it also blocks the air from getting out.
Easy fix: First try to remove dust with a soft vacuum brush tool. If that doesn’t get the job done, then soak a rag with any cleaning agent you have and wrap it around a butter knife to clean the vents!
Vinegar can do wonders for your faucets that have hard water spots. Check out this video to see how it works!